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Miracle Jnana Yoga

   Joining of the East and West, a symbol of Miracle Yoga  

The “happy dream” prepares you for awakening.



    Miracle Jnana Yoga teaches you how to use your mind in a new way that leads to awakening. This world is typically perceived as a fearful place. The Course teaches that the world is actually only a dream of fear, and you are the dreamer of the illusion of fear. By recognizing that you are the dreamer, you can choose to change your mind about the world. A “miracle” is a change in perception that allows fear to be replaced by an expression of love. Through forgiveness, you can replace grievances with miracles, and you can replace fearful dreams with what are called “happy dreams.” Your ultimate goal is to awaken from all dreams in order to find oneness in Heaven.

    However, it is extremely difficult to make the giant leap from the fearful nightmares of this world to the joyful recognition of Heaven. Because the gap between fearful illusions of the world and the blissful Reality of Heaven is so great, you need a way to bridge this gap. The Course maintains that you need to find a middle ground of transition that releases you from the grip of fearful illusions and that prepares you for Heaven. Therefore, the Course instructs you to transform fearful nightmares into “happy dreams,” which are still dreams, but serve as reflections of Heaven. In the picture above, the sun represents Heaven. The dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit, Who is your personal guide to Heaven. The beautiful flower stands for the happy dream. Because you are the dreamer, you can decide whether you want to see fearful dreams or happy dreams. By listening to the guidance of the Holy Spirit and by choosing to see happy dreams, you will be preparing yourself to awaken in Heaven and will be helping your brothers and sisters to awaken as well.

    In the image below, the rainy day could be perceived fearfully as a dark and dreary dream. Nevertheless, the man in this image has chosen to ignore the rain and to see through the “eyes of love.” Thus with a smile, he perceives a happy dream. You do not have to change the world to see happy dreams. You only need to change your perception of the world. In the worst of worldly situations, you can still perceive happy dreams. Even in the face of death, you can remind yourself of the happy dream by saying and believing, “I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.”1 The foundation of the happy dream is that you have never lost the everlasting light and love that God has placed within you in your creation. Regardless of outer circumstances, through the acceptance of the happiness of the happy dream, you prepare yourself for awakening to the light and love you have never lost. The happy dream prepares you to accept the happiness of Heaven. When you accept the happy dream, you are accepting God’s Will of eternal happiness for you.

    Happy dreams come true, not because they are dreams, but only because they are happy. And so they must be loving. Their message is, "Thy Will be done," and not, "I want it otherwise."2

1. W-201, p. 388
2. T-18.V.4:1-3, p. 383


Man choosing the Happy Dream

A man chooses to percieve the "happy dream."


In the practice of Miracle Jnana Yoga the intellect is emphasized, and it is all about studying and applying the Course principles to heal the mind. The mind is currently split between the small part that is ruled by the ego and the much larger part that is the Christ Mind. The ego part of your mind relies entirely on perception, which is partial awareness that relies on the belief in separation. In your use of perception, you are the perceiver and something separate from you is the object of your perception. The vast majority of your mind is the Christ Mind, which relies on total awareness, called knowledge. Perception and knowledge are mutually exclusive, so you can be aware of only one or the other. The ego condition keeps you locked into perception, and so you are unaware of the knowledge in your mind that would reveal your true nature in Christ. 

The mind can be right or wrong, depending on the voice to which it listens. Right-mindedness listens to the Holy Spirit, forgives the world, and through Christ's vision sees the real world in its place. This is the final vision, the last perception, the condition in which God takes the final step Himself. Here time and illusions end together. 

Wrong-mindedness listens to the ego and makes illusions; perceiving sin and justifying anger, and seeing guilt, disease and death as real. Both this world and the real world are illusions because right-mindedness merely overlooks, or forgives, what never happened. Therefore it is not the One-mindedness of the Christ Mind, Whose Will is One with God's.1

Perceptions can be true and loving or false and unloving. Miracle Jnana Yoga based on the Course focuses on changing false perceptions into true perceptions, changing unloving perceptions into loving perceptions. This includes performing miracles that are exhanges of light and love between two people in which false perceptions are replaced by true perceptions. When you mind becomes filled with only true perceptions, only loving perceptions, it becomes ready to make the leap from the world of perceptions to the world of knowledge, which is Heaven. 

Every child of God is one in Christ, for his being is in Christ as Christ's is in God. Christ’s Love for you is His Love for His Father, which He knows because He knows His Father's Love for Him. When the Holy Spirit has at last led you to Christ at the altar to His Father, perception fuses into knowledge because perception has become so holy that its transfer to holiness is merely its natural extension. Love transfers to love without any interference, for the two are one. As you perceive more and more common elements in all situations, the transfer of training under the Holy Spirit's guidance increases and becomes generalized. Gradually you learn to apply it to everyone and everything, for its applicability is universal. When this has been accomplished, perception and knowledge have become so similar that they share the unification of the laws of God. 

What is one cannot be perceived as separate, and the denial of the separation is the reinstatement of knowledge. At the altar of God, the holy perception of God’s Son becomes so enlightened that light streams into it, and the spirit of God’s Son shines in the Mind of the Father and becomes one with it. Very gently does God shine upon Himself, loving the extension of Himself that is His Son. The world has no purpose as it blends into the purpose of God. For the real world has slipped quietly into Heaven, where everything eternal in it has always been. There the Redeemer and the redeemed join in perfect love of God and of each other. Heaven is your home, and being in God it must also be in you.2 

Knowledge refers specifically to experiential awareness of your true Self. If you prefer, you may think of this knowledge as the total awareness of your “spirit” or of your true nature in Christ as a Son of God. Concepts are important in Miracle Jnana Yoga, not for the sake of establishing a dogma that must be accepted, but rather in order to establish a mental framework necessary to expand your awareness of your true nature. 

1. C-1.5:1-4, 6:1-3, p. 79
2. T-12.VI.6:1-7, 7:1-7, p. 229


Miracle Jnana Yoga, because it involves how you use your mind, requires that you believe in the Course, study it, and allow its spiritual principles to be the foundation of your own personal thought system. Of course, you can have other secondary spiritual philosophies that complement the Course. For example, the spiritual principles of the Edgar Cayce readings are very helpful, especially in reference to practical matters of diet and health. Also, the Course does not address many form-related issues of exercise, health, and meditation that can be obtained from Eastern yoga philosophies. 

The practice of Miracle Jnana Yoga, like traditional Hindu jnana yoga, requires the ability to discern between the real and the unreal. In order to discern between the real and the unreal, you would obviously need to have a clear understanding in your own mind of what in fact is real and what is unreal. Below you will see a recommended list of eight proposed “Miracle Jnana Yoga Principles.” This list represents my understanding of how to apply the Course to distinguish the real from the unreal. Out of necessity, this is a set of one-size-fits-all premises that cannot possibly encompass every seeker’s spiritual understanding, nor is it intended to do so. 

These principles are not a dogma that must be accepted in order to practice Miracle Yoga. You may not accept all of these premises or may not be attracted to the terminology that is used here. If you do not agree with these premises or with the terminology, you may want to make up your own personalized list of principles that best reflect your own spiritual understanding. After you make your choice of spiritual principles, you may choose to proceed with your own personalized practice of a Christian form of jnana yoga with trust in God to show you the way. Then as God guides you over a period of time and you make progress spiritually, you may decide to make changes in your basic premises, which would reflect your closer walk with the divine. 

Even if you accept the premises proposed below, you still may want to use your own words to set forth a specific list of premises that best reflect your individual perspective on how to follow Christ. You are encouraged to establish in your own mind a specific set of premises that you feel you can firmly believe so these ideas can be a starting point for practicing discernment between the real and the unreal.


1. The physical world of matter in all animate and inanimate forms and the psychological world of rational thinking are expressions of relative realities. These are manifestations of the Ground of Being, within which these partial realities draw their existence. Although these relative realities do exist, they may be considered ultimately “unreal” (illusory) when compared with the absolute Reality of the Ground of Being that may be called God.

2. Your true nature is your true Self, meaning your Identity in Christ. You can also refer to your true Identity as your "Christ Self," although the Course itself only refers to the Self or Christ as two separate words. You share the Christ Self with all the other parts of the Sonship, who collectively form the one Son of God, the one Christ. Your goal in practicing Miracle Yoga is ultimately to awaken your awareness of your Christ Self. In this awakening beyond discursive thinking there is a union of the knower, the act of knowing, and what is known.

3. Your true nature, your Christ Self, is right now and for eternity united to God and to the Holy Spirit. Your Christ Self is within you waiting to be uncovered. Your Christ Self is already pure and holy and untouched by death or decay. Your Christ Self is your unchanging reality and may be considered your individual ground of being within the ultimate Ground of Being that is God.

4. You are currently identified with your body and a psychological, rational thinking mind. You think of yourself as being separate from others and from God and this idea of separation, which is an illusion, is your “ego.” Because of your identification with your ego, you have “spiritual amnesia,” which is ignorance of your true nature as the Christ Self. But the purity of your Christ Self cannot be defiled by errors, called “sins,” that occur at the form level. Sins have no power to change the reality of your holiness and are merely mistakes that can be corrected with the assistance of the Holy Spirit.

5. Your primary means of overcoming ignorance of your true nature are manifestations of divine grace that come from God the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus Christ. One means of cooperating with divine grace is the path of Miracle Yoga through a combination of Miracle Karma Yoga, Miracle Bhakti Yoga, Miracle Jnana Yoga, and Miracle Raja Yoga.

6. Miracle Jnana Yoga, like the other aspects of Miracle Yoga, involves overcoming ignorance by “looking and overlooking.” This path requires the use of discernment, the ability to use the intellect to distinguish between the divine Reality and the unreality produced by the ego. This discernment includes “looking,” which is attachment to the infinite and “overlooking,” which is detachment from the finite. Miracle Jnana Yoga involves an inward meditative focus aiming to transcend discursive thinking. However, unlike jnana yoga in the Hindu tradition, Miracle Jnana Yoga is primarily focused on forgiveness.

7. The ultimate goal is divine union, but an immediate objective of Miracle Yoga is an integration of the physical, emotional, mental, intuitive, and spiritual aspects of human nature. The purpose is to surrender yourself to the divine influence of God’s Will and allow yourself to follow the example of Jesus and be guided by the Holy Spirit. This is achieved primarily through the application of forgiveness. If divine union is experienced in this life, the goal will not be to escape from this world, but rather to produce a total interpenetration of all the lower faculties to place them fully under the direction of the divine influence.

8. Even if the ultimate goal of awakening the Christ Self in this life is not realized as an experience, you have fulfilled God’s Plan for your life by dedicating yourself to doing God’s Will to the best of your understanding and ability. God’s Will is your own true will. By living a life of doing God’s Will, when this life is completed, you will be prepared to receive God’s embrace in the next life and to be awakened to your true nature as the Christ Self.

Yoga in general may be considered “systematic internalization” because the seeker sees everything in the macrocosm as also being within the microcosm of his own body. The seeker brings his awareness within to find the divine within. Yoga uses the awareness of internalizing all experiences within the body, not to reinforce the ego that is attached to the body, but to ultimately transcend the body and join with God. Traditional jnana yoga has the specific internal direction of meditation directed toward affirming one’s true nature as Brahman—God. In addition to the “systematic internalization” of jnana yoga, there is also a “systematic externalization” in jnana yoga in which the seekers looks past appearances in order to see the divine externally. In Hindu jnana yoga, the internal seeing of the divine is more important than the external seeing of the divine. 

Unlike Hindu jnana yoga that places a higher priority on its internal component and a lower priority on it external component, Miracle Jnana Yoga places a greater emphasis on “systematic externalization.” In Hindu jnana yoga, everything is geared toward the end result of God realization, but in Miracle Jnana Yoga, steps along the way are the important focus, and the result of divine union can be left in the hands of divine grace to manifest in this life or in the hereafter. Miracle Jnana Yoga in its external aspect is really a form of external focusing that produces inner healing of your psychological makeup. Your ego nature already has a negative system of externalization, called projection, in which guilt and faults are projected onto others for you to avoid looking at these within yourself. The loving systematic externalization of Miracle Jnana Yoga is designed specifically to counteract projection by the process of seeing the divine in your brother in order to recognize the divine in yourself. 

This process of seeing the divine is best described in the Course as forgiveness. You may think of forgiveness as not holding a grievance toward another person. However, a broader view of forgiveness is that you have illusions about people and letting go of your own illusions about them is forgiving them. Specifically you have the illusion that other people are egos, bodies and minds separate from you and separate from God. The ego itself is the illusory idea of being separate from God. When you give up your illusion about another person being an ego, you are giving up the idea that this person is separate from God. You are able to see that person as divine, as not separate from God and not separate from yourself. Consequently, forgiveness is defined as the giving up of the concept of separation. Thus forgiveness is likewise seeing the divine in others. When forgiveness allows you to see the divine in your brother, it will remind you of the truth that you are not an ego separate from God and that you are divine, and this produces inner healing. 

This systematic externalization of Miracle Jnana Yoga more correctly could be called, “systematic forgiveness.” This forgiveness is another example of the principle of “looking and overlooking,” which is a part of all the forms of Miracle Yoga. Thus forgiveness is looking for the divine and overlooking all else. If you make the mistake of looking at what is not divine, meaning illusions of the ego, you make them real to you by looking at them. To correct this error, you are advised to overlook the illusory manifestations of the ego and in so doing these will remain unreal. Simultaneously you are advised to look beyond illusory appearances and look at and perhaps even see the divine wherever you look. This looking and overlooking allows you to truly forgive by seeing through illusions to the truth, thus realizing the holiness in everyone and the meaninglessness of guilt. 


Below is an excerpt from An Overview of “A Course in Miracles”: Introduction to the Course—What Beginners Need to Know. The Course expresses many ideas that are not found in other spiritual philosophies of either the East or the West. The following are fourteen examples of these distinctive spiritual principles, which form the basis of Miracle Jnana Yoga: 

1. In order to remain the Lord of Love, God could not and did not create maya (the dream or illusions of this world). The dream of this world is not lila (divine play) because it was not created by God. Rather, you and all of your brothers and sisters made this dream, which could be called the “collusion illusion.” This dream seems to be real because it is a collective dream rather than an individual dream that you have when you go to sleep at night. 

2. You can only be where God has placed you. Thus you and all your brothers and sisters have never left Heaven. That is where you still are, while you remain sleeping in your dreams of separation from the Oneness of Reality. 

3. Reality consists of “qualified nondualism.” (Total nondualism is the belief that you lose your individual identity when you become aware of your Oneness with the All.) The Course’s qualified nondualism consists of the paradox that each individual seeker is part of Christ and the whole of Christ at the same time. 

4. There is cause and effect, but there is no karma as it is commonly understood in the East. Karma only seems to exist because of your illusory belief in the reality of guilt, which is a false and self-imposed belief in the necessity of self-punishment. Salvation is merely the complete release from the belief in guilt and the acceptance of holiness leading to the acceptance of reality. 

5. All problems are solved in the miracle of the “holy instant” in which you become aware of your oneness with all of your brothers and sisters in the One Christ. The holy instant is only an instant in time, yet it is a window to the timeless eternity of Heaven. 

6. The Course uses the term “revelation” to describe enlightenment, saying it is God communicating Himself directly to you and is not reciprocal (not you communicating yourself to God). Miracles are more useful now than revelation because of their interpersonal nature, connecting you with your brothers and sisters in Christ. 

7. Jesus is your awakened elder brother and your equal in Christ, so Jesus is not more loved by God than you are loved by God. If you are open to the guidance of Jesus, he can assist you to become what he is now by helping you to wake up. 

8. The Holy Spirit was created by God specifically for the purpose of helping all seekers to wake up from their self-imposed dream. He offers healing to their minds that have been split between one part that is committed to the truth and reality and the other part that is committed to falsehoods and illusions. Before healing the split mind with the One-mindedness of the Holy Spirit, you need to first let go of the ego’s wrong-mindedness of false perceptions and accept the right-mindedness of true perceptions. 

9. Every seeker has all the qualities of God with the following one exception: The seeker can never be the First Cause, which belongs only to God the Father. You cannot wake up from your dream by denying that God is your Creator, your Father. The dream of this world is an illusory and futile attempt to “create yourself” and make God Fatherless. The Course refutes this by asserting, “I am not a body. I am free. I am still as God created me.” 

10. What are called “sins” are merely mistakes that can easily be corrected. God created you by extending Himself into you so you are forever part of Him and cannot be defiled. Thus no mistake (often wrongly identified as a sin) can ever take away your perfect holiness that God gave you when He created you. The Holy Spirit’s plan of salvation is called the Atonement. It is a plan of perfect love that has corrected all of your mistakes and their effects. But your responsibility as a miracle worker is to accept the Atonement in the holy instant and heal your own mind as you extend healing to others. 

11. You have a burning love for God, just as God loves you completely. God’s love for you and your passionate love for Him are hidden. You have lost your awareness of this love, but your lack of awareness has in no way limited the purity or reality of this all-consuming love still in your mind. The Holy Spirit separates all your fearful, false perceptions from all your loving, true perceptions. The Holy Spirit saves all your loving thoughts, called the “blessed residue,” and He will bring this content of love with you when you finally wake up in your true Home in Heaven. 

12. You can use Christ’s vision—use the “eyes of Christ” or the “eyes of forgiveness”—to see the world light up figuratively and perhaps at times literally. You cannot wake up from the nightmares of your dream world and go directly to Heaven. Yet you can make the transition possible by first seeing the dream world as a “happy dream” (“real world”) and later seeing the “face of Christ.” You, your brother, and the world are always forgiven for what never happened. The happy dream is still an illusion, but it is an illusion of forgiveness that leads to awakening. Yet God must take the final step to bring about your awakening in Heaven. 

13. Other philosophies apply generalization in only a limited way so learning is extended to some new situations as an option. The Course asks you to generalize your learning to all new situations as a necessity. For instance, you learn to forgive one person and one object in the world, in order to eventually learn to forgive everyone and all objects in the world, forgiving the world itself. If you leave anyone outside of your forgiveness, you will not be able to forgive yourself. Similarly, if you do not learn to love everyone, you will not be able to accept love as your own true nature, and you will not understand the true universal nature of love itself. 

14. Other philosophies define terms by their distinct differences, just as the world makes comparisons and distinctions based on separating ideas. The aim of the Course is to reverse the thinking of the world and undo all you have taught yourself. The Course defines its terms by demonstrating how spiritual principles overlap, are interrelated, and have the same purpose and meaning of oneness. One holy instant contains all holy instants. One instant in time contains all the billions of years of time itself. One miracle contains all miracles. One true perception perfectly unified will unify all perceptions and lead to full awakening. How all true perceptions are unified in oneness is best expressed in this quotation: “Forgiveness, salvation, Atonement, true perception, all are one. They are the one beginning, with the end to lead to oneness far beyond themselves.”1 

1. C-4:6-7, p. 85

An Overview of "A Course in Miracles"

Introduction to "A Course in Miracles"

Click here for "An Overview of the Course for Beginners"

Memory Walk in the Light: 

My Christian Yoga Life as

"A Course in Miracles"


Read the full introduction to this autobiography


Donald James Giacobbe


    “The central message of the Course is forgiveness, and the key to yoga is opening to the divine presence. As a teacher of Miracle Yoga based on Course principles, my goal is to live my life as an expression of forgiveness and openness to the experience of Spirit.”


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